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From May 2018 TICA and ACAD training staff have been busy implementing and learning how to use a new ePortfolio system for monitoring and assessing all Apprenticeships and S/NVQs.

Smart Assessor is the ePortfolio market leader across all FE and Independent Training Providers and will give our apprentices, candidates, trainers, assessors, managers and employers access to all the information required to ensure adequate progress is being made across all of our qualifications and training courses. In addition to inputting information about training at TICA House and work experience out on site users will be able to access the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The VLE is a library of resources accessible via the internet 24/7. We will be constantly loading new material, updating existing material and developing progress/ gateway assessments which can be undertaken at any time.

Employers will be able to engage more actively in the onsite training and experience of their apprentices as they will have to log into the system to provide verification and comment on the progress and behaviour of their apprentices. It is very important as an employer that you understand your legal commitment to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) when engaging with an apprentice, you must provide adequate time for ‘off the job’ training (OTJT) to complete work each month using the virtual learning platform. This is in addition to the time spent at the National Training Centre. Smart Assessor logs all relevant training and keeps a running total of all OTJT hours.

Failure to comply with ESFA requirements will result in termination of the funding for your apprentice and the subsequent cancellation of the training programme.
Our assessors and trainers are excited about using this system – it will mean that they will be able to communicate face to face with both apprentices and employers without driving long distances. Smart Assessor has a built in digital communication system (similar to Skype or Facetime) so not only will they be able to speak to each other, they will see each other and the candidates will be able to demonstrate their onsite skills either live or by recording and uploading video footage.

The Technical Stuff

Smart Assessor is the market leader in specialist apprenticeship software that captures evidence of skills, knowledge and behaviours. Using dynamic and innovative dashboards it keeps apprenticeship training providers and end point assessment organisations audit compliant and learners more engaged with their learning journey. Smart Assessor is approved by all of the major awarding bodies, an Investor in People, ISO9001 and ISO 27001 security accredited.

Smart Apprentices is a strong and stable partner of choice for apprenticeship providers and end point assessment organisations. Smart Apprentices is an award winning, innovative suite of technology platforms purposely designed for approved training providers and end point assessment organisations who aspire to deliver outstanding apprenticeships and end point assessments.
The new employer apprentice levy presents exciting opportunities for apprenticeship training providers to transform their relationship with employers.
Smart Apprentices , includes resources in mathematics & English, bespoke training courses, tracking progression of knowledge, skills and behaviours, managing 20% off the job training, monitoring gateway assessments with Ofsted audit compliance dashboards and integrates seamlessly with the end point assessment technology platform.

The technologies can be used as a seamlessly integrated suite of products or individual technologies within existing technology eco structure.

Find Us

TICA Head Office: TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB