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Qualifications and Competence

Qualifications and Competence:  TICA Training & Apprenticeships Explained The Grenfell enquiry is now fully resumed following a pause in proceedings for Covid-19. This Autumn we expect to see the first legislation go through parliament following Dame Judith Hackett’s review. The Building Safety Act will detail the requirements for installer competency in addition to qualifications.  WeREAD MORE

Air Inlet Calculator

ACAD Asbestos Industry App:  Air Inlet Calculator To help our growing membership and the wider Asbestos industry establish a base level IT proficiency, ACAD has launched the ACAD Asbestos Industry app on Android.  Here we explore the Air Inlet Calculator. As part of the air management for Asbestos removal works, a contracts manager needs toREAD MORE

Contract Management Webinar

Contract Management & Record Keeping Webinar Join TICA CEO Marion Marsland and ACAD Manager Graham Warren together with Jim Brydon for the second in our Contracts Webinar series, this time looking at Contract Management & Record Keeping. Following the positive feedback from our initial Contract Pitfalls webinar, this second webinar will provide detailed insight intoREAD MORE

Contract Management Webinar

Contract Management & Record Keeping Webinar Join TICA CEO Marion Marsland and ACAD Manager Graham Warren together with Jim Brydon for the second in our Contracts Webinar series, this time looking at Contract Management & Record Keeping. Following the positive feedback from our initial Contract Pitfalls webinar, this second webinar will provide detailed insight intoREAD MORE

Government Launch Talent Retention Scheme

Government & Construction Launch Talent Retention Scheme During any downturn employers risk losing their valued employees due to a lack of available work.  This means they then need to find new workers when demand picks up. To help support the retention of these crucial workers where your company may have a downturn or gap inREAD MORE

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TICA Head Office: TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB