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HSE have Requested ACAD Member Feedback for Draft POW Guidance

HSE has asked for ACAD member feedback/comments on the recent discussion document that is planned to become official HSE guidance later this year. Please note this document is a working draft and is subject to change. Are there any omissions? Does anything need clarifying? Any corrections? In the first instance please forward any comments through toREAD MORE

New Rules for 20% ‘Off the Job’ Training

TICA has produced a guide to help employers in England and Wales understand and work to the current ESFA funding rules on planning and delivering a minimum of 20% off-the-job training. From May 2017 the Government, through its funding agency the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), has introduced new rules to manage the deliveryREAD MORE

Apprentice Accommodation Funding (England/Wales only)

Following a change in government funding rules around the accommodation element of the apprenticeship standard funding, weekend stays for long distance apprentices can no longer be paid through the residential element of the standard funding cap. TICA will now be working with employers to ensure compliance with the very strict 20% ‘off the job’ ruleREAD MORE

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force on 28 May 2018. The new Regulation gives the individual more robust protection against misuse of their personal information/data. As an employer you will have a great deal of personal information in your possession, this is fine…..but there are new requirements about what exactly you store,READ MORE

Industry awaits consultation findings

The results of the government’s consultation on the practice of cash retention under construction contracts will be published in April. The consultation, which closed in mid-January, covered areas including: • the effectiveness of existing prompt and fair payment measures for retentions • research carried out for industry by Pye Tait • late and non-payment ofREAD MORE

Enhanced Verification of Overseas Qualifications

The UK’s international qualifications agency UK NARIC and the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) have announced additional measures relating to the assessment of overseas qualifications. From 01 December 2017, overseas construction workers wishing to work in the UK will have the technical content of their overseas qualification mapped against the relevant UK National Occupational Standard forREAD MORE

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TICA Head Office: TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB