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Welplan Update for Employers who are Members of a Sick Pay Benefit Scheme

The situation with regards to the Coronavirus pandemic is developing daily and as such we are constantly monitoring government advice to provide you with the most up to date information. Please find below FAQs covering the subjects of: Lockdown Shielded population Furlough Please note that you can now get an Isolation Note online at NHSREAD MORE

Covid-19 Lockdown Advice from TICA

Following the Prime Ministers statement last night, we are receiving many communications requesting clarification on whether or not we should go to work. The UK is under lockdown but it is our understanding there is a clear distinction between the new social lockdown and work. Where people can work from home, then they should.  ContractorsREAD MORE

Coronavirus Guidance for Employers

Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a strain of the coronavirus disease which was first reported in Wuhan, China, on 31 December 2019. This disease shows flu-like symptoms, including fever and a cough that may progress to a severe pneumonia. The UK Government has currently assessed the risk level at high. Collingwood Legal has produced a briefingREAD MORE

Employer Guidance to Employment Options

What is lay off and short time working? The current global crisis surrounding COVID 19 is likely to have a damaging economic impact and this is a concerning time for businesses and employees alike. Many businesses may experience a downturn in work which may, unfortunately, potentially lead to redundancy situations. Lay off and short timeREAD MORE

Government Financial Assistance for Business Roundup

The impact of the Coronavirus or COVID‐19 has accelerated significantly, with the Prime Minister asking everyone to avoid non‐essential contact with others and unnecessary travel. We know that actions so far and the potential for a ‘lockdown’ are causing serious concern for everyone in construction. Click here for Build UK Statement. Here is a summaryREAD MORE

COVID 19 (Coronavirus) Update for TICA Apprentices 

After much consideration and having taking advice from all of our apprenticeship stakeholders and from Public Health England, the decision has been taken today to suspend the practical element of our apprenticeship currently carried out at our National Training Centre in Darlington. We must consider the impact on apprentices, staff and local NHS resources inREAD MORE

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TICA Head Office: TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB