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Contract Clauses Webinar

Join our resident contracts expert Jim Brydon and the TICA-ACAD team to examine contract clauses and understand which ones to watch for future difficulties. This is a one hour informative online session for all TICA – ACAD members and will take place on 09 June at 10am. Registration is via email to A linkREAD MORE

Are You Cyber Aware?

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have recently launched a monthly newsletter for SMEs, aiming to provide advice and tools to help to minimise the risk of a cyber attack. ‘The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has recently launched its Small Organisations Newsletter. SMEs cover a huge range of businesses and make up 99% ofREAD MORE

Cartels in Construction – CMA Message for Business Leaders

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has today published an opinion piece in Construction News detailing why construction companies must take cartel risk, where rivals get together and break competition rules, seriously. The CMA has fined construction firms £67 million across 5 competition law cases in recent years. As well as large fines for the companies, 11 directors in total were disqualified from acting asREAD MORE

CBI Education & Skills Survey – April 2021

The CBI is conducting their annual Education and Skills Survey (TESS), sponsored by Birbeck, University of London. Against the backdrop of coronavirus and Brexit, TESS will identify business priorities on key issues like retraining and youth employment and where further support is required. Your answers will directly inform the CBI’s engagement with the government whileREAD MORE

Build UK People Survey

Build UK has extended the deadline of their industrywide People Survey to Friday 23 April 2021 to compensate for the Easter holidays. We would be extremely grateful if you could complete the survey as it is essential for ACAD and Build UK to measure the ongoing impact of coronavirus on construction. Previous surveys helped to secureREAD MORE

Scottish Test Centres Reopen

All Pearson Professional Centres in Scotland re-commenced the Health Safety and Environment Testing on 6 April 2021. Please check your test confirmation email or letter for details of safety measures at the Test Centre including the requirement to wear face coverings, or for any changes to your scheduled appointment. ITCs should ensure that they makeREAD MORE

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