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HSE wrote to Licence holders late 2018 to inform them they will be piloting a new approach to Licence renewals for those with licence expires on or after 1st April 2019. The review via this method is more detailed and in greater depth than those previously conducted with a view to making renewal assessments clearer and more efficient process in the future.

To support our growing membership with this new process ACAD has produced a useful guidance document, rated as “brilliant” by members who have seen the working draft, that explains the process as well as our suggested evidence guide.

ACAD also offers a range of dedicated services to help our members prepare for their Licence renewal including the Pre Licence Renewal Assessment (PLRA) and our new Electronic Licence Application Review (ELAR).

The PLRA involves our experienced team conducting a mock Licence interview with your senior management team who would traditionally have been involved in a face to face Licence renewal assessment and report any potential gaps or areas for improvement and our new. A PLRA is best conducted around six months prior to Licence expiry to give you time to rectify any issues or put in place new systems and is offered with two reporting options.

The ELAR is a desktop review of your completed Licence renewal application offering suggestions for improvements to your answers and evidence base prior to submission to HSE.

To obtain your copy or request any of our supportive services, email or call 01325 734134.

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ACAD Head Office:
TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB

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