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2017 Sees Big Changes to Qualifications AND Funding

Training From September 2017, for England only, TICA will deliver apprenticeships at both Levels 2 and 3 on a standard – moving away from our current framework. All English candidates will follow the standard, and will complete their apprenticeship with an End Point Assessment (EPA) which will be overseen by an independent EPA organisation. TheREAD MORE

Apprenticeship Levy for Wales

The Apprenticeship Levy comes into effect on 1 April 2017. Apprentice eligibility will depend on where the apprentice spends most of their working time. If the apprentice lives in either Wales or England, their employer is based in either Wales or England and the apprentice spends 51% or more of their time working in Wales,READ MORE

Powertherm Placement

TICA apprentice, John Francis is currently on a four month placement with Powertherm Contract Services. “On arrival at Powertherm I was paired up with ‘Wally’ Glynn; we’ve worked together everyday since and had a great time.  The jobs have been interesting, but also frustrating due to the size of the spaces we have had to work in. We also had aREAD MORE

Contractual Severance Pay

The National Joint Council for the Engineering Construction Industry have issued details of Contractual Severance Pay, effective from 6 April 2017. Find out more about the Contractual Severance Pay Values here.    

Apprentice Levy and How to Register

Apprenticeships and how they are funded are changing fundamentally in 2017. Levy Paying Employers (ie those with a monthly payroll of over £3m) Levy-paying employers are now able to register to access their apprenticeship service levy account. Following registration you will be required to sign a contract with the apprenticeship service. This step-by-step guide provides youREAD MORE

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TICA Head Office: TICA House, 34 Allington Way,
Darlington, DL1 4QB